Sunday, November 11, 2012

RAH Program

At conference time I spoke with all of you about our RAH program, also known as the Reading At Home program.  This simply gives the opportunity for the kids to take a book home each night from my collection at school to read and share with you.  Your child may bring home a book they have had in their "read to self" book bag here at school and has been reading for a couple weeks, or it may be a book they have not seen at all yet.  Either way, they will be bringing a book home that they can read independently to you.  Practicing this reading at home is helping your child with vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.  Have a discussion with your child about the book as they are reading it.  Ask questions such as:
  • How do you think that character is feeling?
  • Where does this story take place?
  • What was the problem in the story?
  • How was the problem solved in the end?
  • What was your favorite part in the story?
  • What do you think will happen next?
 If your child is struggling with a word in the story, encourage them to think about the strategies they have learned at school to help them figure out those tricky words.  Here are those strategies:

Eagle Eye - Look at the pictures!
·       Look at the picture for clues
Lips the Fish - Get your lips ready!
·       Say the first few sounds of the new word
·       Read to the end of sentence and say it again
Stretchy Snake - Stretch it out!
·       Stretch the word out slowly
·       Put the sounds together
Chunky Monkey - Chunk the Word!
·       Look for a chunk that you know (-at, -an)
·       Look for a word part (-ing, -er)
Skippy Frog - Skip It, Skip It!
·       Skip the word
·       Read to the end of the sentence
·       Hop back and READ IT, READ IT!

Tryin’ Lion - Try it again!
·       Try to reread the sentence
·       Try a word that makes sense
Helpful Kangaroo - Ask for help!
·       Ask for help (after you have tried all of the other strategies

First grade is a big year in the area of reading. Your child will make so many gains in this area and your support at home is very important.  As with a lot of things, "practice makes perfect" and it takes a lot of practice every day with reading to become a better reader.  Thank you to those of you who signed the contract and are participating in the RAH program this year.  If you are still interested and need the information sheet again, please contact me and let me know.  I'll be happy to send another home for you to sign and get a book home with your child today!


Mrs. Halon

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