Behavior Expectations




 Our Classroom Behavior Expectations



Carpet Time

Seat work

Group Work

Lining up

Guided Reading/Centers


Be Safe

Walk into school

Walk into class

Sit on your pockets

Stay in your seat

Sit safely in your chair

Walk to your area

Sit safely

Walk to the line

Stay in your center area

Walk to the line

Be Respectful

Keep voices quiet

Keep your hands and feet to yourself

Listen attentively

Work quietly

Listen attentively to group members

Share appreciations

Keep hands and feet to yourself

Work silently at your center

Keep hands and feet to yourself


Have folder on desk

Be ready to learn

Listen attentively

Be willing to participate

Complete work


Stand quietly

Face forward

Follow Directions

Stay on task

Clean your area

Pack all your mail

Put up your chair

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