Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Pumpkin Farm

The highlight of this week was our field trip to Skelly's Farm Market.  Boy, did we have a GREAT time!  Some highlights of our trip included:
  • A wagon ride through the field, reading fun little jokes and riddles
  • Going to "pumpkin school" and learning all about pumpkins, gourds, and squash
  • Picking out a pumpkin and a gourd to take home
  • Walking through the corn maze...and not even getting lost!
  • Enjoying an apple cider donut and juice
Thanks to all the parents that joined us on the trip.

The day after our field trip, we worked hard on a piece of writing.  We discussed how to write a story using words such as first, next, then, and last to describe the order of events.  Each child then wrote a story about their experience at Skelly's using this model for writing.  We sure are becoming great little writers!

During Math this week, I introduced the children to the terms EVEN and ODD and what they mean.  We continue to practice recognizing if numbers are even or odd throughout the day.  It's easy to review this at home during your regular daily routines as learning moments.  Ask your child if a number is even or odd and see if they can explain to you how they know.

We also focused this week on Main Ideas of stories we read.  We read stories and discussed the main idea of the story and then also listed some of the details that support the main idea.  This is a great question to ask your child after they read a book to you at home or after you read a story to them.  What is this story MOSTLY about?  With that, they should be able to tell you the main idea of the story.   This helps guide your child's comprehension and understanding with the material they are reading.

We are looking forward to another busy and exciting week in first grade!  For now, I will wrap up with a few fun pictures from our field trip.

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