Sunday, December 23, 2012

Teddybear Sleepover

This last week started off with lots of fun as we entered our classroom and our teddybears and other stuffed animals were gone!!  What kind of adventures did they have over the weekend during their sleepover at school??  Well, we soon found out as the stuffed animals took us on a scavenger hunt through the school to tell us the tale of their adventures!  The hunt ended in the library where we found our bears and other animals!  We enjoyed some teddy grahams as we watched a video slideshow, which captured these wonderful adventures.  Check out the video below.

The rest of our week consisted of some other fun events as well! We had the opportunity to hear the wonderful Jazz Ensemble from Parker High School.  We also had a whole school assembly to celebrate overall school behavior and all our efforts with PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies).  Each child received a Washington T-shirt with our patriot pledge on the back. 

It was a great week!  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday break.  See you next year!!

Mrs. Halon

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Teddy Bear Sleepover

Congratulations to all the first graders on a wonderful performance in their holiday program!  The kids worked hard on their songs and parts and were very proud.  They should be! 

First graders said goodnight to their teddy bears and other stuffed animals Friday at 3pm.  Our teddy bears have spent the whole weekend at Washington Elementary School and  we can't wait to see them Monday morning!  (shhh...the kids will be in for a fun surprise when they get there Monday)

We had a fun time spending the day Friday with our special stuffed animals.  The animals watched the kids do math and write.  Best of all the animals enjoyed the children reading to them.

In class this week we have enjoyed writing descriptive paragraphs about our stuffed animals as well as other fun holiday writing.

In Math we have begun our unit that focuses on measurement.  We've learned about reading thermometers as well as measuring in inches.  We had the chance to measure some different objects in our desk to see how many inches long they were.  We have been continuing to work on our addition facts daily.

Our focus in reading this week was reality and fantasy.  The children learned that reality is something that could really happen and fantasy is make-believe.  We thought about what was reality or fantasy this week with every read aloud story, guided reading stories, and books in our read to self book bag.
We are looking forward to spending one more day with our stuffed animals at school on Monday! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Busy Little Elves!

What were we up to last week??  A LOT!  Here's a recap of the events of our classroom:

Reading:  In reading this week we focused on comparing and contrasting.  We read passages each morning and compared and contrasted events in those passages.  Together we even used a Venn Diagram on the smartboard to visualize those events.  During literacy centers this week when the kiddos were not reading with me, Mrs. Kohl, or Mrs. Markestad, they had the opportunity to create little elves and poinsettias that are now decorating our classroom.

Along with our word wall words, we worked on the digraph "SH".  We read stories with "sh" words and searched for and read words that started and ended with "sh".  The kids really enjoyed our class story in our reading book this week titled Where Do Frogs Come From?  In this nonfiction story we learned all about the life cycle of a frog.  We talked about this change, or "metamorphosis".  We are going to continue learning about this topic this next week and do some writing about frogs and read some more books about frogs.  I think we may even compare and contrast frogs and toads. 

Math:  We finished up our third unit in math this week.  Unit 3 assessment will be coming home this week.  Take a look at your child's test.  The cover sheet will help you see the different skills that were assessed and how your child did with each skill.  If there is a particular skill your child had difficulty on, I would be happy to send home some extra practice activities/sheets/ideas to help you continue practicing at home.  Coming up in unit 4, we will be working on measurement.  We will continue practicing our addition facts each day, as well as taking our addition facts check up on Friday.  Last Friday in math we had a great time practicing different math skills in rotating centers.  Here are some of the things we did:

We practiced math facts with a fun penguin game on the Smartboard.
It was fun to try out the tangram puzzles!
Money counting is something we
work on everyday.  Money TOP IT
is a favorite game. 

We worked on our number writing!

*Congratulations to Lance, Parker, and Carter who all earned a free gift book this week for reading 20 books in the Reading At Home Program.  Super Reading!!!*
We look forward to seeing you at the holiday program Thursday afternoon at 2:00 pm.  The children have been working hard and are excited to perform for you. 
Have a great week!
Mrs. Halon

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kit and Kat projects were a blast!

What a fun and busy week!  I'm sure you all heard about our excitement in our classroom that involved a little furry rodent.  Even with all that excitement, we sure did manage to get a lot accomplished this week.  :)

In reading this week, we focused on sequence.  We read some passages and looked at how stories need to have details in order to make sense.  We spent the week focusing on a story by Tomie DePaola titled Kit and Kat.  It was a story about two cats that go to their grandparent's house for a sleepover.  The problem in the story is that Kit forgets his pajamas.  We sequenced the events in the story, writing about them using words such as first, next, then, and last.  The kids had a great time talking about sleepovers and what they would take on a sleepover.  We created a classroom idea map that lists all our ideas.  Click on the following link to see our classroom popplet!

At the end of the week, we even got the chance to look through magazines and cut out pictures of things we would take on a sleepover.  We glued pictures into our "suitcase" and wrote about the things we would take and learned about how to use commas in a piece of writing when we are listing items.  A few students had the opportunity to share their project with the rest of the class.  They really had a great time with this project and story this week. 

We learned a new concept in math this week called Frames and Arrows Diagrams.  You saw a homelink come home this week that explained it and provided some practice for your child.  We will continue working on frames and arrows diagrams throughout the rest of the year, with both addition and subtraction.  Speaking of addition, please continue to work with your child a few minutes each night on their addition flashcard that were sent home early last week.  We will continue to have fact check-ups every Friday to monitor progress with these basic facts. 

*Congratulations to Sophia, Ayumi, and Breanna who have already read 20 books for the Reading at Home program and have earned a free gift book from me.  Keep reading!!

*The weather has been very unpredictable lately with the temps going up and down!  Please keep an eye on the forecast and dress your child appropriately for the weather.  Thanks!

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Halon