Sunday, December 9, 2012

Busy Little Elves!

What were we up to last week??  A LOT!  Here's a recap of the events of our classroom:

Reading:  In reading this week we focused on comparing and contrasting.  We read passages each morning and compared and contrasted events in those passages.  Together we even used a Venn Diagram on the smartboard to visualize those events.  During literacy centers this week when the kiddos were not reading with me, Mrs. Kohl, or Mrs. Markestad, they had the opportunity to create little elves and poinsettias that are now decorating our classroom.

Along with our word wall words, we worked on the digraph "SH".  We read stories with "sh" words and searched for and read words that started and ended with "sh".  The kids really enjoyed our class story in our reading book this week titled Where Do Frogs Come From?  In this nonfiction story we learned all about the life cycle of a frog.  We talked about this change, or "metamorphosis".  We are going to continue learning about this topic this next week and do some writing about frogs and read some more books about frogs.  I think we may even compare and contrast frogs and toads. 

Math:  We finished up our third unit in math this week.  Unit 3 assessment will be coming home this week.  Take a look at your child's test.  The cover sheet will help you see the different skills that were assessed and how your child did with each skill.  If there is a particular skill your child had difficulty on, I would be happy to send home some extra practice activities/sheets/ideas to help you continue practicing at home.  Coming up in unit 4, we will be working on measurement.  We will continue practicing our addition facts each day, as well as taking our addition facts check up on Friday.  Last Friday in math we had a great time practicing different math skills in rotating centers.  Here are some of the things we did:

We practiced math facts with a fun penguin game on the Smartboard.
It was fun to try out the tangram puzzles!
Money counting is something we
work on everyday.  Money TOP IT
is a favorite game. 

We worked on our number writing!

*Congratulations to Lance, Parker, and Carter who all earned a free gift book this week for reading 20 books in the Reading At Home Program.  Super Reading!!!*
We look forward to seeing you at the holiday program Thursday afternoon at 2:00 pm.  The children have been working hard and are excited to perform for you. 
Have a great week!
Mrs. Halon

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mrs. Halon and class! It looks like you are busy busy students! Have a fantastic day! (Rosa's mom)
