Sunday, December 16, 2012

Teddy Bear Sleepover

Congratulations to all the first graders on a wonderful performance in their holiday program!  The kids worked hard on their songs and parts and were very proud.  They should be! 

First graders said goodnight to their teddy bears and other stuffed animals Friday at 3pm.  Our teddy bears have spent the whole weekend at Washington Elementary School and  we can't wait to see them Monday morning!  (shhh...the kids will be in for a fun surprise when they get there Monday)

We had a fun time spending the day Friday with our special stuffed animals.  The animals watched the kids do math and write.  Best of all the animals enjoyed the children reading to them.

In class this week we have enjoyed writing descriptive paragraphs about our stuffed animals as well as other fun holiday writing.

In Math we have begun our unit that focuses on measurement.  We've learned about reading thermometers as well as measuring in inches.  We had the chance to measure some different objects in our desk to see how many inches long they were.  We have been continuing to work on our addition facts daily.

Our focus in reading this week was reality and fantasy.  The children learned that reality is something that could really happen and fantasy is make-believe.  We thought about what was reality or fantasy this week with every read aloud story, guided reading stories, and books in our read to self book bag.
We are looking forward to spending one more day with our stuffed animals at school on Monday! 

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