Spring is here!!
This is the time of the year I love for so many reasons. Of course I am enjoying the warmer temps, sunshine, and everything else that comes with spring. As a teacher though, spring is the time of year that I love to look at how far "my kids" have come this year. It brings a smile to my face to think about what our little first graders were doing back in September and compare it to what I am seeing them do now. I still have a couple months left with these little ones and we are planning to continue to work hard to get prepared for the big move upstairs to 2nd grade.
Last week we took our reading and math MAP tests. MAP stands for Measure of Academic Progress. It is a computer based test that assesses a various level of skills in math and reading. It gives us as teachers a nice look at the progress each child has made this year and what skills are stronger or weaker for each student.
Because our schedule was a little off last week with MAP testing, we didn't have our normal literacy block for guided reading. I decided to do some activities during that time to coincide with the story Charlotte's Web, which I have been reading aloud to the children the last few weeks. Students made spider webs with vocabulary words, created story cubes with different elements of the story on it, and began an ABC book of Charlotte's Web. We're still working on that project, but look for it to come home in a couple weeks. It was fun to get out of the normal routine and do some fun activities with Charlotte's Web. Maybe we'll even take some time in the next week to watch the movie now that we have finished the book.
In Math, we have begun switching teachers and have put our kids into flexible groups according to ability. Therefore, I may not see your child for math instruction anymore. We are working with our math groups to really focus in on skills needed with each particular group. The kids are enjoying moving around through the day and even having some time with other first grade teachers. All of us at varying levels are continuing to work on our basic first grade skills which include basic addition and subtraction facts, number stories, money counting, and telling time.
As spring is so very unpredictable, please keep an eye on the forecast each day and send your child with proper clothing for outside recess. Thank you:)
I am pleased to see how many kiddos have been taking home books each night to read for the Read At Home Program. I LOVE giving away all these free books to my readers!!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Halon
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