Sunday, April 14, 2013

Robots, Robots!

Our first graders were back into the swing of the routine this week and with it came a story from our reading book titled My Robot.  It was a cute story about a boy who got a robot for his birthday.  This robot did all kinds of things for the boy.  We had a great time reading books about robots, talking about if WE had a robot, and even doing a little writing about it too of course! 

The kids wrote stories about if they had a robot.  They had lots of fun with it and were quite creative.

We also finished up our story Charlotte's Web.  Each of the students completed a Character Web of one of the main characters of the story.  We had so many indoor recesses this past week that we were able to watch the entire movie as well. 

In phonics/spelling, we worked on the soft C sound. 

In language we have been learning about adjectives and how they describe.  We have been having fun pointing out adjectives in our conversations, our read alouds, and in our reading books. 

In Math, we are moving into Unit 8, which will focus a lot on more money counting, addition and subtraction number problems and stories, and fractions.

Let's hope for some warmer weather this week, or at least a week without rain so we can get some much needed play time outside throughout the day!

Enjoy your week!

Mrs. Halon

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